a proven commercial solution,smart option for your professional...

As word about their advantages spreads nationally, mybot's  lawn mower robotic mowers are finding homes in unexpected places. Property managers who may have never considered using commercial robotics are installing fleets of mybot's  lawn mower units on their turf. Some of the unexpected properties where you can find mybot's  lawn mower at work today include:

  • Commercial properties such as airports and business parks

  • College and university campuses

  • Government properties and secure facilities

  • Schools

  • Athletic fields

No matter where you're interested in installing a commercial mybot's  lawn mower,  mybot's  lawn mower has a solution to suit your needs.

Creates a Economical and practical and secure property

mybot's  lawn mower reduces the number and frequency of workers on your property, which creates a safer and more secure space.

mybot's  lawn mower is a smart option for your professional lawn maintenance that ensures a perfect cut 24/7, eliminates labor pressures, reduces costs, represents a fully proven solution and creates a Economical and practical and secure property.